How CBSE Books and NCERT Books Differ From Each Other- Examining Some Key Features

CBSE Books and NCERT Books are two most important books that are used in the preparation of the students who are going to write Board Examination. All these books have the same syllabus and the same facts but they differ in many ways. One of them is the way they are written.

How CBSE Books and NCERT Books Differ From Each Other- Examining Some Key Features

Introduction to CBSE and NCERT

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, managed by the Union Government of India. CBSE affiliates all Kendriya Vidyalayas, all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, private schools and most of the central government schools. The board conducts final examinations every spring for All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE) for Class 10 and 12. The board also annually conducts the AIEEE Examination for admission to undergraduate courses in engineering and architecture in many colleges across India.

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an autonomous body set up by the Government of India to assist and advise the Central and State Governments on policies and programs for qualitative improvement in school education. NCERT provides support and technical assistance to a number of schools in India and oversees many aspects of implementation of education policy. NCERT publishes model textbooks, supplementary material, newsletters, journals and develops educational kits.

What makes CBSE different from NCERT

There are several key differences between CBSE books and NCERT books. One of the most significant is that CBSE is a national board while NCERT is a state board. This means that the curriculum and content of CBSE books are set by the Central Board of Secondary Education, while NCERT books are created by the National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Another key difference is that CBSE follows a uniform syllabus across all schools affiliated with it, while NCERT allows for some variation in syllabus between different schools. This can be advantageous for students who move between schools, as they will not have to worry about learning new material. However, it can also make it more difficult to compare students from different schools.

CBSE books also tend to be more expensive than NCERT books. This is because they are published by private companies, whereas NCERT books are published by the government.

Finally, CBSE books generally have more up-to-date information and resources than NCERT books. This is because they are updated regularly to reflect changes in the curriculum, while NCERT books are only updated periodically.

Key features of CBSE and NCERT

There are many differences between CBSE books and NCERT books. While both are important for students preparing for exams, there are some key features that make them different from each other. Here are some key features of both CBSE and NCERT books:

CBSE books have more detailed and comprehensive content than NCERT books. They also have more illustrations and examples to help students understand the concepts better.

NCERT books focus more on giving students a clear understanding of the basics. They contain simpler language and explanations, making them easier to understand for students.

CBSE books cover a wider range of topics than NCERT books. This is because CBSE syllabus is more vast and covers more topics than NCERT syllabus.

NCERT books are cheaper than CBSE books as they are published by the government. CBSE books are published by private publishers and thus, are more expensive.

So, these are some key differences between CBSE books and NCERT books. Both have their own importance and students should use both types of books to prepare for their exams.

Difference between CBSE and NCERT

There are many differences between CBSE and NCERT books, but some of the key features that set them apart are listed below:

- CBSE books tend to be more comprehensive in nature, while NCERT books offer a more concise overview of the material.

- NCERT books often include more practice problems and examples, while CBSE books may provide more detailed explanations of concepts.

- CBSE books are typically updated more frequently than NCERT books.

- NCERT books are usually recommended for students preparing for competitive exams, while CBSE books may be more suitable for general academic studies.


In conclusion, it can be said that though both CBSE and NCERT books differ from each other in some aspects, they are both essential for students appearing for board exams. While NCERT books provide students with a strong foundation in all subjects, CBSE books help them prepare for the rigors of the board exams. Thus, it is advisable for students to consult both kinds of books while preparing for their exams.


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